Thursday, January 25, 2007


Well, i know i have not written in a long time! that is because i have been busy with school and those sorts of thing!
Right now in history we have a test coming up, and when a test comes up, we have to make a notebook from our notes!
Our teacher is the coolest person in the world. he is also the smartest History teacher ever!!! He has great ideas, and always makes learning fun! That is because he is a very fun teacher!
Mr. McDannel has this competition with Miss. Gerrits( our 6th grade teacher), to see who is better. right now i have to say that it is a tie! Well, i better go prepare my brain for the test tomorrow!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Christmas Break

This Christmas break has been really fun! During the last week of Christmas break, the Popa family and the York family (that would be my family), went to Brasov for a little vacation! we were planning to stay there until the 2nd or 3rd of January. Little did we know, but we were in for a big surprise! I will start at the beginning

On Dec. 29th we drove up to Brasov. It took along time to get there because traffic was sooooo bad. We got to the place we were staying in around 4:00 I think! People had told as that there was no snow in Brosov, but there was! Actually there was a lot! The next morning, we decided to go and see if there was enough snow to go sledging! We had a blast going up and down the hill! After a while we decided to check out and see if there was another hill nearby. Instead of looking, we decided to get a hot drink and a snack because the youngest Popa was getting a little tired! We got our hot drinks and the men went to get a snack of french-fries and hot dogs! The line took forever though! We ended up waiting outside in the cold for a long time!

When the men finally got the snacks, we decided to just go home. We said that we would go to the little hill that we saw the next day.

That is pretty much what our days were like. We would play in the snow and then have a good time playing boggle late into the night!

The night that was really fun was New Years Eve or day (whatever you would like to call it!). Now, you have to understand something, before I tell you what happened: This year was a very special day for all of ROMANIA because they were entering the EU (European Union), and because I live in ROMANIA, I was happy too! There were big fireworks and all sorts of things!! It was really crazy. We even got speckled with Champagne!!! It was a riot, but we had a lot of fun!

So, now comes the interesting part! The night of the 2nd, all of the girls were hoping that it would snow because al the snow had melted that day! Well, after we ate dinner, it started to rain and snow just a little!! Well, during the night, it snowed, and snowed, and snowed A LOT! In the morning, it looked like a winter wonderland! So we all got our snowsuits and clothes on and went outside with our dads! While the dads we cleaning off the cars and the moms were packing, us kids played in the snow! We were having a grand time, hoping that we could stay another day!

When the dads started to move the cars, our trusty old car wouldn’t move!!! WE WERE SNOWED IN!!!!! We were sooo happy that we jumped for joy!!

Then the next day we left! We all were very sad to leave, because we had had a magnificent time!

Here are some pictures of us in Brasov!!!

This is my sister going down the hill backwards!

This is Lexi and Hannah having a great time!

Daniela, Hannah, and I at the fireworks on new years eve!

And now presenting.................

The fireworks!!!!!!