Sunday, April 1, 2007

Pictures of Sibiu

On the hike........

Also on the hike......

By the entrance of one of the fortified churches that we visited.

On the hike the first day.....

This is a piano at the museum. Notice anything different about it???

Hannah, swinging in the backyard of where we stayed.

Hannah with a dog.... she named Spottie...........

" Oh Merry Mennnnn! ''

Hannah running to me...........


WOW! I had such a great time in Sibiu! There was beautiful weather and........ I think the pictures will tell the rest of the story.

The first day after our arrival we went on a hike in the woods. It was beautiful!

We also went to a museum:

We visited many fortified churches and towers, walls, etc:

We visited these churches as we were in Sibiu. Not all of them were in Sibiu. Sometimes people that worked there would give us a tour. There were a lot of interesting things there.

Yeah. So, we did a lot of things in Subiu and it was really fun. Later on. I will put a lot of pictures ( just pictures)
of things that we did with my Grandpa. So, until next time!