Friday, June 29, 2007

Summer Teams

Hello everybody! I hope you are having a great summer:) Yesterday the team arrived safely but their luggage did not. We are going to leave for Satic in a few days so I won't be able to blog.(there is no internet access there.) But don't worry... i am taking my camera and will take lots of pictures and tell you all about what we did! Well, hope you all have a great rest of the summer:)

Here are some pitures of things we will be doing at Satic (We also went here last year, that is how i have pics!):

That is me!

Some students painting mugs.....


Wednesday, June 27, 2007


So far my summer has been really good. i have gotten to go to the Longs and babysit. That is probably the most fun i have had this summer. it has been a great experience and i am so glad i had this chance. We are leaving pretty soon to go to the mountains. We are going to be there be there for 3 weeks because we have English camps. It will be fun to be in the mountains with my family. Well, what can i say. It is really hot here and i am dying. Our room is so hot that i can't even go in there. well, gotta go!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Computer Class with Mr. Achim

Here is a picture of me with my class (with Mr. Achim[my teacher] in the back):

I have had my picture taken in front of this tree since I was in fourth grade. It's becoming a tradition.
Everybody looks SO tired. I guess that is because we were in finals week:)


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sunday School With Babies!

At my church, i work in the room with children 0-2 yrs old. It is really fun, so i thought i would share some pictures that i took of the children, so you can get a feel of what it is like to take care of a bunch of toddlers!

He is soooo cute in this picture:

This boy's name is Dominic! He is so adorable and fun to hold! He is soooo light!

He was missing his father in this particular picture!

This is an amazing little girl. She is so funny and proper! Whenever she eats her cheerios she puts her napkin down and smooths it out and then puts several cheerios down to eat.

All of the kids LOVE to play with this Noah's Ark set, especially Anna Lee(this girl)! It is funny to watch them play together

Everybody loves food!!! "hey, vreau si eu!!!!"(Hey, i want some too!!)

They also LOVE to play on the rocking horse! Sometimes they even stand on it and act like an acrobat! Especially Luca!! ( Sorry that it is crooked, i can't figure out how to change it!!!!! HELP!)

We teach our kids at a young age to clean up after themselves!!![she is helping us clean off the baby toys with a wipe(that is what we do after the children leave, but her mom was late)]

Friday, June 15, 2007


Yesterday there was a cookout at BCA! I twas really fun!
Here are some pictures for your enjoyment:

This is me holding Ms. Ana's baby! She is soo cute

There were a fair amount of people at the cookout. Here are only a few of them!

This is Mrs. Catalina with her two kids!

The cookout was a great success! It was very fun, but it was soooooooo hot! I wish i could go swimming! I think we are going swimming on Wednesday. I hope we do! Have a great week!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Field Day!

We just got back from field day! It was so fun! We played games and after that we had a water fight! IT was sooooooooooo fun! We ate lunch and then the secondary students and elementary students slip up and secondary, including me, went and played softball! I came in near the end, but i still had fun! The elementary students played kick ball and i think they all had fun.

I was on the pink team, and there were lots of other colors. We had a chant that went, "We are the pink team (repeat), the mighty, mighty pink team(repeat)!" we would chant that whenever we were done a station or when we had beaten someones record! It was really fun!

Here we are:

The first station that we went to was the hool-a-hoop contest. I got tired after about 2 min. but i kept going for almost 7min! We came in 2nd place. Rachel, a friend from school, went for 10 min!!!!!!!!!!! Her team got first place.

Here is me................
and this is Ms. Opris, our team leader:

Even though it was kind of a race, it was really fun just to be together and just have fun! I had a great day and i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
oooo glad it did not rain.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 We have been rained out for the past 2 years!!!

I can't wait till school is out! We only have 1/2 a day left!

More pictures for your enjoyment!

Ms. Opris doing the long jump:

Another team doing the long jump:!
(Ther was a joke at Field day: Mr. "Long" was the teacher incharge of the "long" junp)

Mikie running as fast as she can to help her team get the highest score:

Marco helping Mrs. Staab pick up the frisbees after the frisbee toss! What a great little helper!

Rocco and his friends playing together, while the "big kids" are going areoud, crazily!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Finals ARe Almos OVer~

I am so happy because inals are almost over and then we have a 2 month summer vacation! I am at school riht now, but we can use the computers! I hope that I finish this year well!
I will post more later