Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring Break!!!!

WOW!! Today is the first day of spring Break! And i know this is going to be the best day ever because.................................MY GRANDFATHER IS COMING!!!!!!!! We are going to Sibiu (with my grandfather) for the first week and then the second we are going to just hang out(he is only staying here for one week).
My plan for Spring Break
  1. Read
  2. Have fun!
  3. Be with family
  4. Start mythology project
  5. study for Grammar test
  6. Draw
  7. Be with friends
  8. Hang out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):)))))::):):):):):):):):
Yeah! OK well, when we come back, i will have a lot of pictures to show you all who read my blog!

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