Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Really Cool Chalk Drawings!

Here are some really cool chalk drawings that an excellent artist drew. They look soooooooo real. I was amazed that some would make a flat drawing on the ground look like it was alive. I thought it would be cool to put them on my blog for people to see:

This looks soo real. It actually looks like there are two of him (artist, Right)

Doesn't it actually look like he is really going to pick one of them up??

To me that looks like someone just cut out a piece of the ground!

You have to admit, he is an amazing artist. He makes things look sooooo real!!

Hope you enjoy looking at these pictures. if you would like to see more, you can request to see more and i can post some more for your entertainment!


Nikki Gerrits said...

Those are SOOOOO SOOOO neat. Where in the world did you find them?
AND can you tell me what Daniela's blog site is?

~Rebekah~ said...

Of course ms. G
Her address in
Someone tht i know sent them to me!THey are so cool!
I like them, too