Thursday, June 7, 2007

Field Day!

We just got back from field day! It was so fun! We played games and after that we had a water fight! IT was sooooooooooo fun! We ate lunch and then the secondary students and elementary students slip up and secondary, including me, went and played softball! I came in near the end, but i still had fun! The elementary students played kick ball and i think they all had fun.

I was on the pink team, and there were lots of other colors. We had a chant that went, "We are the pink team (repeat), the mighty, mighty pink team(repeat)!" we would chant that whenever we were done a station or when we had beaten someones record! It was really fun!

Here we are:

The first station that we went to was the hool-a-hoop contest. I got tired after about 2 min. but i kept going for almost 7min! We came in 2nd place. Rachel, a friend from school, went for 10 min!!!!!!!!!!! Her team got first place.

Here is me................
and this is Ms. Opris, our team leader:

Even though it was kind of a race, it was really fun just to be together and just have fun! I had a great day and i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
oooo glad it did not rain.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 We have been rained out for the past 2 years!!!

I can't wait till school is out! We only have 1/2 a day left!

More pictures for your enjoyment!

Ms. Opris doing the long jump:

Another team doing the long jump:!
(Ther was a joke at Field day: Mr. "Long" was the teacher incharge of the "long" junp)

Mikie running as fast as she can to help her team get the highest score:

Marco helping Mrs. Staab pick up the frisbees after the frisbee toss! What a great little helper!

Rocco and his friends playing together, while the "big kids" are going areoud, crazily!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

wow! that sounds like a fun field day! I'm so glad you guys got to have it this year. (this is alyssa smith, by the way). Seven minutes of hoola-hooping is impressive! Was it Rachael Mather that did it for ten? I hope you get some pictures from today--i'd LOVE to see some!!