Sunday, August 5, 2007

Adventure English Camp(s)

Here are my three weeks in Satic. I think the pictures will do a better job at telling the story.

The first week was a very big week
The first Adventure Activity that we did was........ ROCK CLIMBING!!

my dad.....

Me, getting ready to climb that rock:)

Andrew, waiting for hi turn

Andrew, climbing that rock:)

Ryan aka spider man:)

Another Adventure Activity that we did was......
THE ZIP LINE!! That is me...
The zip line was across the river and so people would get in there with cut water bottles and would throw water at their victim

Hannah, finishing her turn!

Me, shielding myself from getting splashed:)

For the third activity we did...... REPELLING!!

The repelling was SO fun. I even did and so did my mom and dad:)

My mom.....

My dad......

That is me!!!!

At the end of the week, we went on a hike. The first week i didn't go because I wasn't feeling good. From the pictures i can tell that it was beautiful. There were four hikes categorized from really easy, easy, hard and really hard. The really hard hike was an all day hike, the hard hike was about 7 or 8 hours, the easy hike was about 3 hours and the really easy hike was............ stay at home if you are sick!:)

Here are some pictures that my dad took up on the arch(that was the destination of the hard hike which my dad, brother and sister went on):

That is my brother an sister........

Once you get to the meadow and look back you see the beautiful mountains........

*P.S I do not have very many pictures because i didn't go. On the second week, i went and i have a lot more pictures:)

During the week we also had activities that were not adventure activities. For example, we had project teams: ...........................................................................................................................................and

In this activity, we were divided into our 3 project teams and it was a race to see who could get to the finish line first. *This is from the second week, i wasn't on a project team the first week:)



Week TWO and THREE

Week two was pretty much the same as week one. So, i decided to put weeks two and three together. So, sit back and enjoy the pictures!

We had a blast with you, Lauren!~!!!~!!!

So, that was my time in Satic. You will probably see some other pictures in my later posts. Thank you for waiting paitiently:)

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