Monday, September 3, 2007

School and the Weather

HI everybody! School has started and i am really enjoying it! I am going on a retreat with the secondary students of my school and i just can't wait! I am already packed and we are leaving on Thursday:) I just can't wait! Today before the 8th grade girls were going over some really funny things that happened last year on the retreat. Here are some of them:
  1. On the way up, I sat with Sarah and Lexi and sometimes there are people selling magazines in the train. Well, some guy came up to us and asked us if we wanted to buy one and we said "Nu multamesc". He asked us "Do you speak English?" and Sarah said, "No we speak German" in English! That might mot seem funny, but we just all started cracking up. I guess we were really tired!
  2. The 7th grade girls(that would be us) caught a snake and accidentally cut the blood was everywhere. We put it in a plastic bag with water in it. Abby Accidentally dropped it out the window and ran downstairs to get it! While she was cleaning the water out, it escaped and got in the sink and started to crawl out. They never used the sink again for the rest of the time~
  3. While Abby was telling ghost stories at night, they had there little bed lamps on and all of a sudden the light went on then off and then started flickering on and off. We heard the 3 girls screaming from down the hall!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Oh on the train ride back, Abby got freaked out by this man who she claims definitely had cancer(i don't think so , but anyway). He let her go to the bathroom before him. The toilet didn't flush so she walked out and he started to talk to her. She had no idea what he was saying all she knows and remembers is that it was really freaky and she cam back crying!
  5. On the way there, the 7 and 8 grade girls were throwing socks at people from the back of the train:)
These are some of the funniest memories that i have of the retreat. I am really excited about the retreat and can;'t wait to go.
It is going to be SO cold there. In Bucharest, just last week i would have said, My it is really hot here. But this pass week has been really strange. it has rained and FINALLY cooled off!

At Eliem, it is going to be literally freezing at night and extremely cold during the day! Even so , i can;t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

There is my update for now:)

1 comment:

Amy said...