Saturday, December 15, 2007

Finals Week

Monday starts the week of finals.

Next week we are going to be taking finals and i am really stressed about all that is have to get done. I studied for math and English today, mostly math. i will take those two finals on Tuesday! Well, i wish you luck to all who are studying!

And just remember that after all this is over, we will have a 3 week break from school! Yahoo!

I wish Bucharest looked like this.........

we have had a Little snow, but not this much.....

And this is cute/pretty


Daniela said...

hey rebekah bucharest has A LOT of snow now!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! see you tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amy said...

I wish that it would snow a lot! I love snow! I like the pictures!

Amy said...

Merry Christmas!