Monday, June 2, 2008

Field Day and the last day of school shots!

Field Day!!

My team had a lot of fun hool-a-hooping, my sister and i went for almost 9 minutes. We could have gone longer, but we had to go to our next station. Dean, a boy from school went for 11 minutes. He got an award for that:)

Beach ball volleyball:)

The rest station:)

The man in charge:) aka Mr. Kooiman, the PE teacher:)

The Last Day Of School!

This is my class(7th and 8th graders)

Amy and Daniela:)

People talking after finishing cleaning out the lockers and signing out:

Rebekah and Amy:)

Playing volleyball because there was nothing else to do:)

We also played "knock-out", a game like basketball:)

Amy, one of my very good friends who is leaving and going back to America:(

Sarah and Alyssa. Sarah is also going back to America:(

I hope you enjoyed this pictures:) Have a great summer for those of you who are out of school!!

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