Friday, January 2, 2009

Only in Romania!

Here is a story:

As many of you know, my family and I live in Bucharest, Romania and things are done very differently here. (you can only believe this if you have lived here or visited and experienced it).
This year we did not have a white Christmas:( and did not get to go sledding:( So, another missionary family, the Klanseks, and us heard about this hill that had been made with fake snow. We did not really know what to expect, but we thought it sounded really cool and so we went there today to check it out. We had heard from another missionary family, who had gone there, that it was a blast!
When we got there, we were shocked by what we saw: a mass of people just standing on the hill, some trying to come down on sleds, some just standing and talking and some helping their kids get down. There was no rhyme or reason, just people doing whatever they wanted to. (which is not that surprising)
We joined the mass of people and tried (very hard) to come down, which was impossible because the snow was like powder and not very slippery at all.
Megan, Heather(her cousin) and I decided that it was pointless to try to go sledding so we decided to walk around and see what else there was to see while Hannah, Andrew, Evan, Erin, Michelle, and Caroline had fun in the snow! it was quite the experience, but we had fun.
After we had stayed there for about an hour, we went back to the Klanseks' house for dinner and games and had lots of fun together:)


Liza said...
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Liza said...

Hi Rebekah!
What are you up to these days?

I'd really love to hear from you, if you have a minute. It's been a real long time since I wrote you last.....

~Rebekah~ said...

Hey Liza,

Sorry it has taken SOOOOOO long for me to write back:) i don't really go one my blog much, as you can see. Do you have facebook??? or Skype??? I would love to write to you and keep in touch with you:_)

How are you?? I heard your mother is going to have another baby!!! That is sooo cool!!! i love children.,

Last year i started to babysit for a family at my school. every sunday i watch 3 kids while the parents go to Bible Study.
This weekend, i am going to my teacher's house and staying with her the whole weekend. She and her husband are going to the prom and my parents are going camping, so we just asked if i could spend the weekend there:)

I am really excited:)

So what have you been doing lately? Have you read any good books? I am reading the historian right now and i love it!!! it is really good:)

Well, i hope i can hear from you soon. :)


Liza said...

Hi Rebekah!!!!!!!
I don't have skype or facebook, but I do have email!
I'm doing really well. We're leaving for a week long trip to Charleston, South Carolina tomorrow (my uncle's gettin' married!)
Our new baby is due on the 4th of July, and it's a girl!!!!
I babysit my siblings all the time, but rarely anyone else's children.
Do you like reading? I think it's one of my favorite things to do. I also enjoy sewing, baking, and Hebraic dancing :)

I don't want to put my email address up here...hmm...Oh, here's my secondary, "work" email, and if you email me I'll send you my personal address :)

God bless!!
